Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Ugh.  Moving.

Saturday we moved.  Today is tuesday.  We haven't quite finished yet.  Still things at the old place, should be done tomorrow.  Then - back to posting?


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Breakfast Time!

Breakfast already?  It's only 10:15pm!  Well...if that's the case...how about some toast and a banana?  Sounds good to me.

Editor's note:  I actually hate bananas.  Not drawing them, not the look of them.  Love that.  Hate eating them.  They're yucky.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jokes Abound

Well look at this.  Two posts; One day.  I'm on a roll bored.

Simple this time:  3 pictures, all of the Joker (as seen in The Dark Knight).  Drew these on my tablet right around the time the movie came out.  I like the 2nd one the best.

Edit: There is some issue with posting multiple pictures and getting them to center properly.  Can't figure it out, but it sucks.

Monster Soup

Good morning!  Or as I like to say, "Good morning!"

I have here a quick post.  These three pictures are just some various monsters (or in one case a monster's hand) I drew on my tablet.  No real point to them, just something I did one day.  Not really fond of the guy in the middle, though.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dry T-shirt Contest

Big post today!  In line with yesterday's update (the one about the t shirt design) I have the rest of the ones I made for the same purpose (a t shirt).  None of these were picked up either, but looking back I pretty much understand why.  They're all lacking that special pizazz!  That's (in my opinion) a common theme in my art.  No pizazz.

Let's begin with the first one I made.  It's called "Damaged Goods"  I was criticized because of how yellow and red this is.  So after it didn't get picked up I went back, made the second one and then decided to drop the idea all together.  Never really liked it in the first place...just whipped it up quick and though I'd see where it went.  [Editor's Note: Christine Haines would like it known that she helped with this idea.  And by that, she means she said something like "Damaged Goods" and I came up with the entire thing myself.]

After these two, I went on to make a few more.  Each one failed in it's own way.  I was actually really annoyed at this next one.  It's called "Don't Play With Fire".  People liked it overall but said that it should have something else in it, such as a mother pulling her child away from the bench.  I agreed, but never followed up. The reason I get really annoyed is because about 2 weeks later on another website, someone had posted the EXACT same idea (though admittedly much less artistic...looked like something drawn in MSPaint...) and had gotten it approved.  It was basically just a little red fireball sitting on a giant bench.  Same as mine, just without the art.  I can't accurately explain how shitty this other one was.  And somehow, people liked IT enough to make it a shirt, and not mine.

I made two more for this site, one was the toothache (that was my last one.  Haven't really been to that site since actually...) and then this one.  It's called "Forbidden Love".  I was once again criticized because "there are to many similar shirts like this already."  They were referring to a shirt with a cactus and a balloon.  Same premise.  Had no idea it was there.  Kinda made me feel like an ass actually.  It looked like I ripped off this guys design completely (sounds familiar huh?) when I didn't even realize it was there...And no, in case you're wondering, that guy with the fire stole my idea completely.  It was no coincidence.  He's an ass.  (As you can tell I'm still really annoyed.)

I made 3 more pictures with the intent of uploading them but never did.  The first is called "Fly me to the Moon".  I never uploaded this because I felt it was to bland.  Decent picture, I suppose, but not really something I'd want to wear.  In fact, looking at the other pictures here, the only one I'd want to wear is the Fire one or the Tooth one...the others were just in an attempt to win the contest.  The next one I did was called "Squid vs. Whale" but I could never figure out what colors to use here.  I tried about 5 different combinations and showed them to people but they never seemed to be just right.  Idea: finished.  

Finally I did a picture of a chameleon.  Not titled (I really hate putting titles on art...) but it's still one of my favorite things I've ever done.  Definitely my favorite thing I've ever colored.  But that's not saying much since I hardly ever color anything.  Never submitted this one because...well...I guess I was never going to.  Just drew it one day...but it falls in line with the other stuff up here in a way.  Couldn't decide on which color background to use...I'm fond of the darker one, but most people said the lighter was better.

That's about it for now...I have a bunch of stuff that I drew on my tablet (like these) I'll post another time.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cavities Suck

So here is something I did quite a ways back.  Probably about 2 years...maybe almost 3?  Either way...I did it for a tshirt design, but it was never made.  I quite like it, it's different than my usual stuff.  You wouldn't know that, of course, as this is the first artwork I've posted, but just trust me.  It's called "Toothache".  I'm fairly confident you can figure it out from here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Morning!

Oh hi! Didn't see you there. That is, of course, because we're both at a computer. In fact, there is no guarantee I'm even at a computer. So I just lied to you. So far I'm off to a great start, it seems. Lying to people who stumbled upon my blog. That's the way to make friends, you know. Just lie to them.

Either way, here we are (potentially), sitting at a computer. "This guy's dumb..." you most likely would say right about now. "Yeah, you're probably right." (This last part was either said by me in response, or someone else who is talking to you).

I'm sure you're wondering if my entire blog will be like this. And the answer is...maybe? Depends on how many posts I have. If this is the only post so far, then yes. My blog is 100% like this. 1 out of 1 post. If this is not my only post as of this point (the point in which you are reading this) then the answer is...well probably yes. This is how I type everything. However, there will also be other things posted here as well! Such as artwork (mine, not just things I found on the Internet) and possibly some photos (also mine).

By the way, my name is John. [Good start...first I lied to you, then I forgot to introduce myself. Great manners indeed.] In case you're wondering, and if you're still reading to this point you may very well be, I am 21 and I am a father of a two year old little girl. I work for Geek Squad as a supervisor, and I love it.

There you have it. That's me. Or at least a portion. More to come...